Hello Ladies! It’s that time of year again, and we are gearing up for a great year on the links of the Iron River Country Club! Our League plays on Tuesdays, beginning at the earliest, 12:00 noon. We have events each week, with a few other fun events to enter. Once monthly we have a scramble with a 3:00 shot gun start. We try to change up events and scrambles to keep the golf interesting. Following golf each week we have a meal at approximately 6:30-7:00, which you need to sign up for ahead of time. Meals are offered come rain or shine, but we may eat a little earlier due to inclement weather.If you are interested in joining the IRCC Ladies Twilight League, or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the board members listed here:•Chris Kennedy, President 906-221-5852•Karen Petts, Treasurer 262-697-0504•Debby Snow•Joyce MyefskiCome join the “chicks with sticks” golf group for a great time and even better, an awesome round of golf!!
Men’s Golf League
The men’s league golfs on Thursdays forming their own foursomes. Meals are available some weeks. Sometimes there is drawings for prizes. For more information, contact Ken Maki at kenmaki@fast-air.net or 906 367-1946.
Iron River
Country Club
Iron River
Country Club
110 Hiawatha Rd.Iron River, MI 49935Call for Tee-Time906-265-3161
Hello Ladies! It’s that time of year again, and we are gearing up for a great year on the links of the Iron River Country Club! Our League plays on Tuesdays, beginning at the earliest, 12:00 noon. We have events each week, with a few other fun events to enter. Once monthly we have a scramble with a 3:00 shot gun start. We try to change up events and scrambles to keep the golf interesting. Following golf each week we have a meal at approximately 6:30-7:00, which you need to sign up for ahead of time. Meals are offered come rain or shine, but we may eat a little earlier due to inclement weather.If you are interested in joining the IRCC Ladies Twilight League, or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the board members listed here:•Chris Kennedy, President 906-221-5852•Karen Petts, Treasurer 262-697-0504•Debby Snow•Joyce MyefskiCome join the “chicks with sticks” golf group for a great time and even better, an awesome round of golf!!
Men’s Golf League
The men’s league golfs on Thursdays forming their own foursomes. Meals are available some weeks. Sometimes there is drawings for prizes. For more information, contact Ken Maki at kenmaki@fast-air.netor 906 367-1946.